Identifying Educational Approaches To Support Students With Dyslexia

In order to integrate a specialized academic focus to learners with dyslexia and other reading differences, it is essential to understand and integrate the six strategies noted in this article to increase support, understanding, and communication that is essential to a collaborative team of educational caregivers. BY ANGELA SHAW The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) suggests that as many as 15% to 20% of the general population could have some degree of dyslexia (2017). Dyslexia, a […]

Turning Camp Staff And Volunteers Into Caring Leaders

“Cultivating a love of service and selflessness opens the window to a world that I want to live in, and one that provides experiences and memories of a lifetime for campers of every ability.” BY LAURA WHITAKER As an eager freshman at the University of Georgia, I sought out opportunities to volunteer for organizations whose purposes were meaningful to me. Extra Special People (ESP) immediately caught my eye as a nonprofit serving youth and adults […]

Calling All Innovators For The “CAREGIVERS SHARK TANK”

The National Caregivers Conference is inviting innovators, inventors, researchers and thought leaders to share their new ideas, products, technology’s, or therapeutic concepts that aim to transform the health and role of family caregivers. The National Caregivers Conference is returning to New Jersey since Superstorm Sandy forced its cancellation in October 2012. This annual conference is renowned for its National level speakers, workshops and exhibitors who address both individual and national issues facing the caregiver community. […]

10,000 Steps Versus Exercise

THE FITNESS PRIORITY KRISTIN MCNEALUS, PT, DPT Remember that you are also setting an example for your children. Demonstrating healthy habits will teach kids to incorporate these activities as they grow. You may have heard about the studies that show sitting is worse for your health than smoking, and to combat this, getting a certain number of steps in per day is recommended. Our occupations are more sedentary than they used to be, and our […]

Orange Grove research center aims to educate about dementia, disabilities

As seen in by Elizabeth Fite Patti Wade remembers John Goodlet as her loving, independent friend who idolized Elvis Presley. “We called him ‘John Elvis,’ ’cause he always liked to dress up like Elvis and play Elvis music,” she said. Goodlet had Down syndrome, a genetic disorder caused when a person is born with extra genetic material from chromosome 21. Today, he’s remembered as the inspiration for the Orange Grove Center on Aging, Dementia and […]