Sensory Integration Slippery Spheres And Silly Squares

Slippery Squares and Spheres is a sensory integration activity designed for use with children with neurological, cognitive, or sensory disabilities for the user to develop fine motor skills. This comprehensive kit provides sensory stimulation by the tiny polymers that expand to over 200 times their original size when left sitting in water. The user can throw, squeeze and even just to watch as the Slippery Spheres and Squares slip, slide, bounce and expand to huge […]

Military Family Stressors Can Impact Physical & Mental Health

BY JENNIFER WOODWORTH, PSY.D It’s no surprise that chronic or unexpected stress can lead to physical and/or mental health problems. And, as a military family, you might feel that sometimes you are barely keeping your head above water, let alone pulling ahead. Current medical research shows a connection between a feeling of general well-being and overall positive physical and mental health. This article focuses on the stressors that military families may encounter, how they can […]

Durable Sheets Flatten, Fade And Conceal Scars

Your accident is long forgotten. Your surgery is in the rear-view mirror. You’ve moved on, but you still wear that red and raised badge of courage – your scar. No matter how they occurred or how long they’ve been there, scars can be as painful to our selfimage as the injury that caused them. Now, these unwelcome souvenirs don’t have to linger forever, thanks to ScarAway® Silicone Scar Sheets. ScarAway is an over-the-counter treatment that […]

$3.4 million grant to train dentists to care for patients with autism

New pediatric dentistry program in Florida aims to increase access for children and teens with autism and ease transition to adult care The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded Florida’s Nova Southeastern University’s College of Dental Medicine a $3.4 million grant to train dentists on the special sensitivities and strategies needed to care for the growing population of children and teens affected by autism. The curriculum aims to increase access to dental […]

ABLE Accounts Are Coming! Is It Really What You’ve Been Waiting For?

Many individuals and families who live with special needs are eagerly anticipating the availability of ABLE accounts. What is an ABLE account? Is it something you’ll want? Or need? Are you even eligible to have one? “It’s been a long wait,” says Chris Collier1, CLU, ChSNC, who is a Special Care Planner and has earned the Chartered Special Needs Consultant designation.2 He’s with the Innova Financial Group3 in Cincinnati, Ohio, a general agency of Massachusetts […]