New study supports link between ADHD and traumatic brain injury

Written by James McIntosh A recent study of Canadian adults has found links between traumatic brain injury and a history of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, suggesting that adults with a history of brain injuries may benefit from improved screening for the behavioral disorder. The study, published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, utilized data obtained from a telephone survey of the adult residents of Ontario, Canada. “These new data suggest a significant association between ADHD [attention-deficit […]

Exercise Is Important For Exceptional Parents

THE FITNESS PRIORITY BY KRISTIN MCNEALUS, PT, DPT You cannot continue to care for your family if you do not also care for yourself. We all know that exercise is important to incorporate into our regular routine, and yet there are many excuses that get in the way, and the workouts get cut easier than other tasks that seem to be a higher priority at the time. It may seem impossible to exercise at times. […]

Pleasant Surprises in the Rain

PUZZLES & CAMO BY SHELLY HUHTANEN Yes, bad things will happen, but I have faith that some good things are going to happen too. Fear can paralyze you. It can hinder you from making decisions and it can destroy any hope one may have in planning for the future. There can also be fear of change, fear of time and fear of the unknown. Maybe it’s because we do not have the power to control […]

Researchers discover how one gene mutation leads to autism

August 13, 2015 by Althea Violeta Chapel Hill, N.C. — A team of researchers from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill said they have finally discovered how at least one of the 1,000 known genetic mutations linked to autism may lead to the developmental disorder. According to the study’s senior author and Associate Professor in Cell Biology and Physiology Mark Zylka: “Genetic studies are showing that there will be about […]

Nocturnal Enuresis: A Personal Story

BY COLIN ELLISON I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT DIAPERS SHOULD BE VIEWED NO DIFFERENTLY THAN OTHER FORMS OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT TO MANAGE VARIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS, MUCH LIKE EYE GLASSES, INHALERS FOR ASTHMA & WHEELCHAIRS Nocturnal enuresis (the clinical term for bedwetting) affects millions of people all over the world in all age groups. Although some people can be cured of their enuresis by using alarms, medicines, surgery, or other treatments, there are a significant number of […]