The Medically Underserved Population (MUP)

BY EMILY JOHNSON If you look at the pictures of my brother and me on my first day of kindergarten, and my first day of medical school, they look remarkably similar. Despite the 16 years separating the two, our hairstyles have only changed minimally. However, one of the biggest similarities of these two occasions was my personal naivety. In both cases, I was somewhat unprepared for the way my brother and others with intellectual disabilities […]

Fighting Childhood Obesity

THE FITNESS PRIORITY BY KRISTIN MCNEALUS, PT, DPT There are a number of factors contributing to unhealthy habits in children with special needs, namely behavioral issues, medications, and mobility limitations. Childhood obesity is on the rise in our country, and the rate of obesity among children with special needs is even steeper than that of other children. There are a number of studies looking at these statistics, and although the exact numbers differ, here are […]

Strive for the Right Financial Strategy for You: A Professional with the Chartered Special Needs Consultant Designation Can Help

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter – it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain wrote that in a letter, and while it referenced the writing life, the same analogy could be applied to financial strategies for persons with special needs. What’s the difference? More than ten years ago, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) recognized that, in regards to the […]


BY SARAH ROTH, MFA provides an introduction to GINA and its protections in health insurance and employment. Knowledge can be both frightening and empowering, and knowledge of your child’s predisposition for a genetic condition is no exception. Moreover, the decision to pursue genetic testing can provide as many questions as answers. From a small sample of skin, saliva or blood, your family is given a set of signs—pluses, minuses, numbers and letters—that foretell the […]


EARLY PREPARATIONS FOR UNIVERSITY BOUND STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES BY EMILY WEIBLE AND IVOR WEINER, PH.D. Many young men and women with disabilities want to succeed. They enjoy work or school and relish the chance to serve society, but despite their best efforts, something isn’t working. These young people are trying their hardest to make an independent life, to no avail. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you know what we’re talking about. The transition from […]