The Military Family & Autism

BY JENNIFER WOODWORTH, PSY.D One of the main challenges that you might first think of when hearing the diagnosis of autism is of rigidity, inflexibility, and consistent structure. However, a military family encounters unique situations that require just the opposite; flexibility, adaptability, and resilience. FAMILY PROFILE Expecting a child can be exciting and anxiety producing at the same time; and pregnancy complications can add to the intensity of all emotions experienced. In 2008, at week […]

Exercise and Autism

THE FITNESS PRIORITY BY KRISTIN MCNEALUS, PT, DPT Studies have shown that vigorous exercise is associated with decreased stereotypic (self-stimulatory such as hand flapping or body rocking) behaviors, hyperactivity, aggression, self-injury, and destructiveness. Exercise is one of the most effective treatments for people with autism! There are a number of reasons why physical exercise should be part of a regular routine for a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We will look at how exercise […]

Superplus’ Autism Awareness Month Special Offer

To celebrate Autism Awareness Month in April, Superplus is offering SuperSpeak – an app that facilitates communication between kids with special needs and their parents, caregivers and therapists. It will be sold at a discounted price to celebrate being named Best Special Needs Solution in the EdTech Digest Awards, and to thank those who work to improve the lives of children with special needs. Superplus is offering to double any subscription purchased now through the […]

Let’s Make Respect the New R-Word

ANCORA IMPARO BY RICK RADER, MD ■ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BY ANN COSTELLO Reprinted with Permission from the Huffington Post INTRODUCTION There is an anonymous quote, “The ornaments of your house will be the guests who frequent it.” That serves as the perfect introduction to this month’s guest Ancora Imparo. Ann Costello is the ornament that keeps on giving. As the Executive Director of the Golisano Foundation she has been instrumental in raising the bar in the […]


HUD KICKS OFF FAIR HOUSING MONTH 2016 BY LAUNCHING NATIONAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN THAT DEPICTS SHARED OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today kicked off Fair Housing Month 2016 with the launch of a new national media campaign that helps the public to envision what communities with shared opportunity for all might look like. The new campaign is designed to further educate the public about their housing rights […]