Disability Policy Seminar 2016

During this crucial election season, we need YOU in Washington, D.C. to help us build bipartisan support on Capitol Hill for high-priority disability issues. When you attend the Disability Policy Seminar, we’ll arm you with all of the information you need to help educate our Members of Congress and their staff on the priorities of the I/DD community. Then, you can return to your hometowns with the ability to spread the word, educate new advocates, […]

Teaching Your Young Adult To Travel Independently and Confidently

BY CAROL JOCKLE, M.S. AND ERIN VLASAK, M.S. Introduction to travel allows the young adult to explore, decide what is right for them and make decisions based on knowledge, thereby providing the direction needed to navigate one’s world. Learning how to travel using public transportation is an important step to independence. Knowing how to get to a store, a sporting event, and the theater or to a friend’s house requires skills. Young adults (18 years […]

Put a Lid On It

ANCORA IMPARO BY RICK RADER, MD ■ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF There is a lesson to be learned and, in the best tradition of cross-technology, there is a place for a revised version of the “programmable content demarcated styrene lid.” I recently hosted a meeting. I am particular to the term “hosted” as related to meetings. I hate the idea of my “holding” a meeting, “convening” a meeting, “conducting” a meeting or “taking” a meeting. If truth be […]

The Oxygen Of Freedom

Introduction to a New EP Series We are pleased to announce a year-long focus on the various uses of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in the pages of Exceptional Parent (EP magazine) and on our new, expanded website. This focus will include editorial contributions from well-recognized physicians, clinicians and scientists along with embedded videos and a series of Ask the Expert interactions where our readers, therapists, physicians, athletes, coaches and trainers can interact with experts in […]

“Invisible work” toll among family and unpaid caregivers

SOURCE: National Institutes of Health; BY Carol Torgan, Ph.D. At a Glance Unpaid caregivers who helped with the health care of older adults experienced emotional, physical, and financial difficulties, as well as lower work productivity. The findings provide a better understanding of the unmet needs and challenges of this often invisible workforce, which plays a key role in the health care system. Family and other unpaid caregivers perform many activities on a regular basis as […]