In Two Worlds

PUZZLES & CAMO BY SHELLY HUHTANEN I can’t imagine how difficult it is having a sibling on the spectrum. I only know how it feels to parent one, but I have to believe that Hayden’s love for his brother makes him a better person. For every child living with autism, there is a strong chance they have a sibling in their family living through the experience along with them. As parents, we not only need […]

5 Ways To Make A Smooth Transition From Military Life

BY AVA COLLINS Remember that a work environment helps you to reconnect with the civilian world and also assures financial safety for your family, as well as your own needs. Ex-military personnel are bound to feel some sort of resistance when transitioning into civilian life. Even though being around family and friends once again is joyful and uplifting, the simplicity of routine existence can be rather complex for someone who’s used to the structure and […]


BY JENNIFER WOODWORTH, PSY.D According to the 2012 Military Spouse Employment Report, 38 percent of military spouses have earned a Bachelor’s Degree and 32 percent have a Master’s Degree or higher. Even with the education, military spouses are underemployed in comparison to their civilian counterparts. When Tiffany first met Dave in 2003, she was coaching and managing a cheerleading organization in north county San Diego. She was also working part time in the mall at […]

Toys For Tots

EVERY CHILD DESERVES A CHRISTMAS The Marine Toys for Tots (or simply Toys for Tots), a 68-yearold charitable program run by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, helps provide happiness and hope to disadvantaged children who might otherwise be overlooked during the Christmas holiday season. Their gifts offer these children recognition, confidence and a positive memory that will last them for a lifetime. It is such experiences that may motivate them to become responsible and caring […]

How Businesses Benefit By Hiring Veterans

BY AVA COLLINS A strong sense is inculcated in every member of the armed forces, and as a result, integrity is a quality that they possess and live by. Veterans are highly skilled and have all the attributes that are expected to get a job done. All businesses, large and small, owe their success to their manpower, and choosing the right employee is all about picking someone who has what it takes to make a […]