Endrew F. Supreme Court Case: Strengthening The Voices Of Families At IEP Meetings

Many parents have had an experience similar to the one faced by Endrew F.’s parents, in which their child’s IEP goals don’t vary each year and there is lack of progress. BY DIANA AUTIN, MARIA DOCHERTY AND LAUREN AGORATUS, M.A. The recent Supreme Court case, Endrew F. vs. Douglas County School District, has implications for parents participating in the IEP (Individualized Education Program) development for their child. The decision clarifies the rights of children with […]

The Resilient Caregiver

BY LAUREN AGORATUS, M.A. TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF WHILE CARING FOR ANOTHER Did you know that November of each year is National Family Caregivers Month by presidential proclamation? In part the proclamation reads: “Whereas, the primary source of community-based services and the cornerstone of our long-term care system are care recipients’ family members, friends and neighbors who help their loved ones maintain their independence and their quality of life; and…according to the National Alliance for […]

A Parent’s Perspective: What To Do If Your Child Is Diagnosed With A Rare Disorder

BY LAUREN AGORATUS, M.A. It’s hard enough on family caregivers when their child receives a new diagnosis. The challenge is made even more difficult when the condition is rare. “Rare disorders” are conditions that are rare or unusual, affecting small numbers of children. This could make it even more challenging to find information from good sources. Genetic resources may also be helpful in gathering information on rare diseases, particularly to help determine whether there is […]

Resources for Funding Medical & Educational Services for Children with Special Needs

BY BRENDA L. FIGUEROA AND LAUREN AGORATUS, M.A. Families of children with disabilities may struggle to get services for their children in schools and the medical system. They may not know how to get their child evaluated, that there may be free or low-cost services, or that there are organizations that can provide them with information and support. Some parents become peer supporters for other parents, helping them to navigate challenging systems, after advocating for […]

Including People With Disabilities In The Communities’ Public Health Initiatives To Eliminate Health Disparities

BY LAUREN AGORATUS, M.A. “By every measure, persons with disabilities disproportionately and inequitably experience morbidity and mortality associated with unmet healthcare needs in every sphere. Minorities with disabilities are doubly burdened by their minority status.” – “Assuring Health Equity for Minority Persons with Disabilities. A Statement of Principles and Recommendations.” A recommendation report from the HHS Advisory Committee on Minority Health. July 2011. People with disabilities are a recently recognized population1 affected by health disparities. […]