Throughout American history, men and women have loved our country so deeply that they were willing to give their all to preserve its safety and freedom. On the last Monday in May, our nation honors the selfless heroes who gave their lives to defend the land we love and the freedoms we believe everyone deserves. REMEMBERING THE SACRIFICES Memorial Day was first observed as Decoration Day in May 1868, and — though the name has […]

Adaptoys Changes The Game For People Living With Paralysis

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to improving quality of life for people living with paralysis, has announced the creation of Adaptoys – adapted versions of popular toys that allow people with physical disabilities to experience the joy of actively playing with their families. “Technology has been such a powerful force for individuals with disabilities. However, there is a void when it comes to technology and accessible toys,” said Peter Wilderotter, President […]

Caregiving, Finances, and Disability Insurance

In 2015, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) and Easter Seals collaborated on Easter Seals Many Faces of Caregiving Study1, a study of caregivers2 in America. Financial impact topped the list of caregiver concerns, and the study found that 91% of caregivers are unpaid. That’s not an unusual statistic when you consider most caregivers are family members. But when family finances are a major concern, supplementing income or creating a good financial strategy to better […]

We Found A 100% Electric Wheelchair Van

BY DAVE FINNIGAN We love that it is the last vehicle he will ever need, that there are virtually no service or repair requirements on electric vehicles, and that there is no heavy power ramp or mechanical lift to haul around or repair. Our 46-year-old son, Davy, has been in a wheelchair all his life, so transporting him appropriately has always been an issue. We have now found a 100% electric vehicle that works for […]

All About Probiotics

HEALTHY CHOICES, HEALTHY LIFESTYLES BY BARBARA B. MINTZ, MS, RD Doctors commonly prescribe taking probiotics to “repopulate” the digestive tract with healthful bacteria. Bottom line, the good bacteria help “crowd out” bad bacteria. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes diseases. But did you know that your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad? Probiotics are often called “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. These organisms […]