National Family Caregivers Month 2018: Celebrating a Year of Accomplishment

National Family Caregivers Month 2018: Celebrating a Year of Accomplishment By Lance Robertson, Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging We hear repeatedly that without family caregivers, our long-term services system would be stretched to the breaking point. Family caregivers make it possible for so many of our nation’s citizens to remain independent, living in the settings of their choice. Supporting families and family caregivers in their efforts to assist their friends and loved ones is at the very […]

It’s Not Selfish: 5 Self-Care Tips For The Caregiver

 There’s nothing else quite like caring full time for a person living with special needs. Challenging yet rewarding, the life of a carer is one full of responsibility- which can come with a lot of stress. Since persistent or chronic stress has the ability to impact our own personal health, it’s always a good idea to monitor tension levels and engage in positive, healthy outlets for self care. Contrary to popular opinion, it’s possible to […]

The Sacrifices Rare Disease Caregivers Make: National Alliance for Caregiving

First-of-its-Kind Study Looks at the Impact of Rare Disease on Family Caregivers Caregivers and Families Face Life-Altering Challenges: Support Services Rarely Used (Washington, D.C. Feb. 28) Findings from a first-of-its-kind national snapshot of caregivers of individuals with a rare disease or condition paint a picture of friends and families facing emotional, financial, physical, and social strain with little support from outside resources. The National Alliance for Caregiving, in partnership with Global Genes, released findings of an online study […]

While everything in the world seems to be moving too fast, one term comes to mind: RESPITE

BY ADEOLA SONAIKE, PHD, MPH, CHES There are steps to assist you with selecting a local Respite provider that meets your family’s needs. Respite is your time as a caregiver for self-care, your time to respect yourself and your role as a caregiver. Respite, which originates from the Latin word ‘respectus’, literally means consideration, the act of looking back (or often) at oneself. It is also no coincidence that ‘respectus’ is the Latin origin for […]

Rare Disease Caregiving Study

To study the impact of rare disease on unpaid friends and family members who provide care (known as “family caregivers”), the National Alliance for Caregiving and Global Genes, are launching a “first-of-its-kind” national snapshot of rare disease caregivers. This fall, the two groups plan to release a national survey aimed at collecting feedback from over 1,000 family caregivers of children and adults with rare diseases. The survey will be open from Wednesday, September 13 through […]