Able Act Passes

BY ROBERT F BROGAN & BERNARD A KROOKS The community of individuals with special needs and their family members will have at their disposal a new tool with which to maintain a private fund of assets while preserving certain government benefits. Following years of national grassroots advocacy efforts, the community of individuals with special needs and their family members will have at their disposal a new tool with which to maintain a private fund of […]

Working With Your Child’s School Can Improve Her Nutrition

BY RACHEL EZEKIEL-FISHBEIN “Making food appealing, delicious and fun is a way we can ensure our students get their nutritional needs met. Our students are no different than any other students; when you make food fun for them, they’ll want to eat it.”– HMS School Fourteen-year old Shannon Ward loves to eat, particularly chocolate and, specifically, Nutella, which is what she asked for this Christmas, and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Yet, gaining weight has been […]

Asian-American Children With Disabilities

BY H. BARRY WALDMAN , DDS, MPH, PhD & STEVEN P PERLMAN, DDS, MScD, DHL “The total population of Asian Americans grew by 46 percent from 2000 to 2010, which constituted the largest increase of any major racial group during that period.”1 INTRODUCTION Hispanic, black and Asian mothers make up the majority of births in the United States at this time. It is evident that nationwide, white Americans will become a minority within about three […]

Cutting Down On Stress In 2015

BY KYLE MCEVILLY   The hectic holiday season is at an end, but unfortunately that does not mean all the stress in a person’s life has now disappeared. For individuals living with a medically complex or chronic condition and their families, stress may be a regular part of life. At times, increased stress may cause a lot of disruption to a routine and aggravate an already delicate health situation. Dealing with any situation can be […]