Sarah & Edison: A story of empowerment

Sarah & Edison: A story of empowerment | Convaid Blog Our community is getting familiar with a voice on the telephone who methodically checks in with our Ambassador families  and other to get updates on how their Convaid – and soon R82 – equipment is working for them. She eagerly listens to the adventures, challenges, triumphs and future plans of families living with Cerebral Palsy, Mitochondrial disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Autism and countless other conditions. […]

Tips For Talking With Your Child With Special Needs About Tragedy

With recent tragedies in the news, many children, including those challenged with special needs, are exposed to trauma through the media and in conversations. The Episcopal Center for Children (ECC), a nonprofit school serving children with special needs ages 5-14 in the Washington, DC area, offers some advice on how to talk with your child about tragedy. “Children hear information from other children and from the activities around them. Your child will pick up information […]

Introduction of ABLE Accounts in Some States this Summer

An ABLE account is designed to ease financial strains faced by individuals with disabilities by making tax-free savings accounts available to cover qualified expenses such as education, housing, and transportation. This summer, certain states will begin introducing ABLE accounts, providing special needs individuals and their families another resource through which to save and invest for the future. Signed into law in 2014, the ABLE Act and associated accounts are modeled after 529 education savings plans […]

Protecting Your Child’s IEP from the Nation’s Testing Craze

BY DR. MICHAEL BERG, ED.D. Parents of children with disabilities need to be proactive and make sure all the time schools are devoting to the preparation and implementation of standardized tests does not swallow up the time that is supposed to be devoted to the implementation of their children’s IEP. High stakes standardized testing in our nation’s public schools makes regular headlines in newspapers and is often the buzz on social media. The accountability level […]

U.S. Education Department Releases Guidance on Education of Children with Disabilities Attending Public Virtual Schools

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) today issued guidance in the form of a Dear Colleague Letter to states to ensure students with disabilities attending public virtual schools are getting the special education and supports that they deserve and is their right. The guidance focuses on specific requirements in the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for public virtual schools. IDEA is the law that guarantees the right […]