Preeclampsia Foundation and Brigham and Women’s Hospital launch Heart Health 4 Moms

The Preeclampsia Foundation and Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital are now accepting applicants to their online research study, Heart Health 4 Moms (HH4M). The study is open to women who have had babies in the last five months who had preeclampsia during their pregnancies. Heart Health 4 Moms focuses on healthy behaviors in new mothers with recent preeclampsia to improve their long-term health. Eligible applicants must live in a U.S. state or territory and have […]


BY LISA MOORE Watching my son, Brennan, struggle to meet development milestones through the first two years of his life was possibly one of the most difficult things I’ve had to endure as a mother. When others were taking their first steps, Brennan remained seated. Though my husband and I worried, we tried to remain calm. “Everything will be fine,” doctors told us. “Every child develops at his or her own pace.” Sure enough, even […]

Durable Sheets Flatten, Fade And Conceal Scars

Your accident is long forgotten. Your surgery is in the rear-view mirror. You’ve moved on, but you still wear that red and raised badge of courage – your scar. No matter how they occurred or how long they’ve been there, scars can be as painful to our selfimage as the injury that caused them. Now, these unwelcome souvenirs don’t have to linger forever, thanks to ScarAway® Silicone Scar Sheets. ScarAway is an over-the-counter treatment that […]


Convaid Products, Inc., a Torrance-based manufacturer of custommade, compact lightweight adaptive-assisted wheelchairs recently announced that its Trekker has received its CE Certification, qualifying it as having met the requirements mandated by the European Union (EU) for products officially imported into the EU nations. CE is the acronym for the French “Conformite Europeenne”, a set of rules governing import into the EU to protect member nations from products that might endanger safety, pose a pollution hazard […]

Does Concussion Impact Men and Women Differently?

New research suggests concussion may not significantly impair symptoms or cognitive skills for one gender over another, however, women may still experience greater symptoms and poorer cognitive performance at preseason testing. The study released recently was presented at the Sports Concussion Conference in Denver, from July 24 to 26, and hosted by the American Academy of Neurology, the world’s leading authority on diagnosing and managing sports concussion. The conference will feature the latest scientific advances […]