Practice Without Pressure

Practice Without Pressure™ greatly reduces and, most times, eliminates the need for sedation and restraint. The PWP model includes the individual, the family/caregiver, and the clinican, and introduces the PWP practice specialist into the paradigm. BY DEBORAH JASTREBSKI THE NEED You wake up one morning and your tooth hurts. Although it’s not your favorite thing you call your dentist, make an appointment and go get it fixed. You’re nervous but you tell the dentist that, […]

A Holistic Guide For Families Who Have A Loved One With Special Needs

PUBLIC BENEFITS BY CALEB HARTY Many important benefits are outlined below, but not all. Also, effort has been made to point out important aspects of the programs, but outlining every detailed exception, rule, etc., is beyond the scope of this informational guide. For context, most of these programs are “means-tested,” which means they are usually not available until the child turns 18 because up until that point the parents’ assets and income are taken into […]

Preparing The Military Family For The Journey

STREAMLINING THE SCHOOL ENTRY PROCESS WITHIN THE SPECIAL EDUCATION LANDSCAPE BY ANGELA SHAW The changing life-style of the military family may seem adventurous to their civilian counterparts, but those who choose this career and life path face a degree of challenge to sustain synchronization of their dual roles of protecting and serving the individuals of our nation, together with caring for the people in their own family. One such instance is relative to the mobility involved in a military life. Military families are on […]

Where Do We Go from Here?

MAKING INFORMED DECISIONS ABOUT SPECIAL EDUCATION DISPUTE RESOLUTION BY WILLIAM BLACKWELL, ED.D. Planning special education services is a collaborative process involving parents, children, and school personnel. While the majority of individualized education programs (IEPs) are developed collaboratively, there are situations in which disagreements arise that are not easily resolved. Parents are sometimes left asking themselves, “Where do we go from here?” following an unsuccessful attempt at resolving differences with school personnel. Our federal special education […]

Transitioning From Pre-school To Elementary School, And Beyond:

STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES BY DIANE WISCARSON, WISCARSON LAW As a parent of a child with special needs, you may be particularly anxious about sending your child to elementary school. After all, you want to make sure that your incoming kindergartner gets the full benefit of a public school education, and has a positive experience in the process. Prior to your differently-abled child reaching kindergarten age, they will have likely been getting services through […]