Teaching Fiscal Responsibility To Children

BY JENNIFER WOODWORTH, PSY.D Creating boundaries when they are young and allowing more freedom as they get older, produces children who are savvy about how and why they are spending their money. Starting in kindergarten, and even before, children are learning about money; what coins and dollar bills look like, how much they are worth, and the symbols that differentiate them from each other. However, it is more likely that children are watching their parents […]

A GPS for Families of People with Special Needs – Part III

BY LAUREN AGORATUS INTRODUCTION I wrote this manual to help other families of individuals with special needs and the professionals who work with them. My daughter now has five life-threatening conditions, and autism just to keep things interesting. We have been through everything from early intervention to currently going through transition to adult care. I hope this helps you on your journey. Part III follows; to review Parts I and II, see the September and […]

Strive for the Right Financial Strategy for You: A Professional with the Chartered Special Needs Consultant Designation Can Help

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter – it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain wrote that in a letter, and while it referenced the writing life, the same analogy could be applied to financial strategies for persons with special needs. What’s the difference? More than ten years ago, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) recognized that, in regards to the […]


BY SARAH ROTH, MFA Ginahelp.org provides an introduction to GINA and its protections in health insurance and employment. Knowledge can be both frightening and empowering, and knowledge of your child’s predisposition for a genetic condition is no exception. Moreover, the decision to pursue genetic testing can provide as many questions as answers. From a small sample of skin, saliva or blood, your family is given a set of signs—pluses, minuses, numbers and letters—that foretell the […]

Social Security “Clarifies” Rules on Proof of Disability

LIVING WITH A DISABILITY BY JERRY LEVINSON In February of 2014 the SSA proposed regulations that required disability claimants to inform it about their disability claims. In March, it provided further clarifications. The Social Security Administration (SSA or “Administration”) believes some (perhaps many) of the individuals who apply to it for disability benefits aren’t being completely candid or forthcoming in the evidence they submit to support their claims. Notably, the SSA finds such submissions are […]