Mindful Return, LLC Launches A First-Of-Its-Kind Online Program For Working Mothers Of Special Needs Infants And Toddlers

“Mindful Return’s Balancing Career with a Special Needs Baby” helps career women thrive both at work and home Washington, DC, November 28, 2018– Two working mothers have teamed up to create the first program of its kind, called “Mindful Return’s Balancing Career with a Special Needs Baby.” The inaugural session of the 4-week e-course will launch on January 7, 2019, on MindfulReturn.com. According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, in 2016-17 18.8% of children […]

When a kid gave me hope for a better world for my son.

by Tulika Prasad We all know how difficult it is for a differently abled individual to navigate the world with its prejudices. There is much to be desired when it comes to acceptance and inclusions. It often makes me nervous thinking about what kind of a world will my son find himself in when he grows up and when I might not be around to be his eyes , ears, and voice. So, in the midst […]

From the Ground Up: Optimal Flooring Choices for Homes With Wheelchair Use

Parents of children who use wheelchairs or other mobility-assisting devices should be aware that appropriate flooring choices can make a home more accessible. Many appreciate flooring materials that are known to be durable and easy to clean when living with children with special needs. Some of the choices available may be perfectly suitable in children’s rooms, living rooms and family rooms. There are many different types of flooring but some, like thick carpet, are a […]

On Time for Myself

by Carey Handley Several years ago, when I was in counseling for depression, my therapist asked when the last time was I went away with the girls for the weekend. My very clever response was to look at her blankly and say, “Uh…never. It’s never crossed my mind.” She returned the blank look and, speaking with disbelief, told me it was about time I did exactly that. Later that night, as I was contemplating why […]

Understanding Accessible Housing: The Fair Housing Act

An accessible home is one that allows its occupant to do what he or she wants and needs to do, as independently as possible. If you or someone in your family is disabled, your home may need specific modifications to make it accessible for daily living. You are protected under the Fair Housing Act, which stipulates property owners to make, or allow residents to make, a home accessible for those with specific or special needs. […]