How to Help an Angry Child

by Lynne Pearson Edward, our autistic son, used to go from 0 to 60 pretty much instantly when he became angry. He’d seem fine and then he’d suddenly blow. Big time. Tension and Frustration spilling out in crashing tidal waves no matter who we were with or where we were. It was nigh on impossible to talk him down once he’d blown up like this. The best tactic was to stay calm, move to a […]

How to Bully Proof Our Schools

By Marcia Hinds  How many of us still remember bullying incidents that occurred when we were in school? These incidents probably only happened once or twice in our lives, but the pain and those incidents are still etched in our minds as though they happened yesterday. We put the bullying behind us, and may be stronger as a result. But what if the bullying occurred on a weekly basis or even daily? Would it be […]

Supplements during pregnancy may reduce autism risk

Whether certain supplements, taken before or during pregnancy, can reduce the risk of autism is a hotly debated question. A new large-scale study takes a fresh look. Autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) are believed to affect 1 in 68 children in the United States, and their prevalence may be on the rise. Despite this, the exact causes and risk factors involved are still shrouded in mystery. No one knows why ASDs occur and how they can […]

Forgetting Milestones and Learning to Measure Progress…a New Way of Thinking! #RunningandAutism

by Mary Ellen Bogucki As I sit down to write this, I still find it all hard to believe. You see, my daughter, Bree, walks at a pace equal to that of a turtle.  Okay, I exaggerate, but only to prove the point that she prefers to walk slowly.  As I often say, hurry means nothing to her and the more I tell her to hurry, the slower she goes.  So, as I have written […]

Forgetting Milestones and Learning to Measure Progress…a New Way of Thinking! #Interests/Talents

By Mary Ellen Bogucki When my daughter was diagnosed with Autism, I immediately started researching and learning all I could on the subject. One of the first people I learned about was Temple Grandin and I immediately became a big fan of hers. Temple provided insight into what my daughter was experiencing, long before Bree could communicate with me. There are so many things I learned from Temple, but one important lesson was to focus […]