The Traps and Gaps of Special Needs Parenting

by Colleen Berlingieri Recently, my husband had surgery for prostate cancer. Not to worry. All is well and the procedure was a success. However, the process was grueling. It was a long s-l-o-w recovery filled with pain, exhaustion and pills – and that was just me – he had a hard time too! During the long weeks of his recovery we watched a lot of TV. One afternoon a commercial for a cancer drug came on. […]


by Ann Allen Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing- absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. -Kenneth Grahame  Does your child love water? Rhythm? Movement? How about the sounds of nature? I don’t know about you, but I can finally see signs of spring cropping up around me. No, our yard isn’t lined with brightly colored tulips. There aren’t blossoms on our apple trees. It is still […]

Forgetting Milestones and Learning to Measure Progress…a New Way of Thinking! #StrivingforEducationalSuccess

By Mary Ellen Bogucki As I see all the “Teacher Appreciation” posts on social media, I too share my gratitude. I think back to the beginning of our journey, a journey that began even before my daughter’s Autism diagnosis.  I had planned to write this blog about finding educational success before I even realized it was “Teacher Appreciation Day/Month!”  I wanted to share this topic, because presently, many people see my daughter, Bree and often […]

Is Recovery from Autism Possible?

by Ryan Hinds (someone who did) My mom wrote a book about my recovery from autism. How many kids have a mother who writes a book about every detail in their childhood? This is when I stand up raise my hand and uncomfortably whisper “I do.” Her book is called I Know You’re In There – Winning our War Against Autism. My mom asked me to read the book before it was published to see […]

The “A” Word—Learning Your Child Has Autism

by Leslie Rotsky Once upon a time my husband and I were afraid to utter the word ‘autism.’ We thought that merely saying the word aloud would make autism a reality for our son, Jacob. Like many parents who suspect or learn their child has autism, we were in denial big time. After denial, we experienced a period of grief. But in time we realized that whether Jacob had autism or not, our goal as parents […]