When Our Worlds Collide

by Miriam Gwynne  I fell in love with my children long before they were born. I will never ever forget that moment I first held them skin to skin. There was a bond that I felt could never ever be broken. I felt they were a part of me from the moment I found out I was pregnant. I loved feeling them move and kick and hearing their little hearts beat at every check up. […]

Practice Without Pressure

Practice Without Pressure™ greatly reduces and, most times, eliminates the need for sedation and restraint. The PWP model includes the individual, the family/caregiver, and the clinican, and introduces the PWP practice specialist into the paradigm. BY DEBORAH JASTREBSKI THE NEED You wake up one morning and your tooth hurts. Although it’s not your favorite thing you call your dentist, make an appointment and go get it fixed. You’re nervous but you tell the dentist that, […]

What a doctor did not tell me when handing the diagnosis

by Tulika Prasad You see red flags in your child’s development, you apprehensively look all over the internet, hoping to read “it’s nothing to worry about”, however,your next visit to the pediatrician aggravates your concern as you check off a list of milestones missed and you finally find yourself staring at a sheet that screams AUTISM back at you. Some of you feel a sense of relief, and some are shattered at the news. Many parents […]

The Big Cheese

PUZZLES & CAMO BY SHELLY HUHTANEN Broden is the one that the smaller kids watch and look up to now… He’s the one who plops in the chair in the morning and yawns because he knows he’ll tackle this long day of ABA, just like any other day. It was the first day of school at the Autism Learning Center. Broden knew the drill as he slid out of his car seat and grabbed his drink. I followed behind him carrying […]

On Catching the Number 7 Bus Home

ANCORA IMPARO BY RICK RADER, MD ■ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The tale of Gertie and Gail serves to emphasize the fundamental tenet of caring for and about individuals with dementia, and that is to “live in their world.” Following family tradition, England’s Prince Charles, the Duke of Wales, served in the Royal Navy. He served on an array of ships including guided missile destroyers, frigates, mine hunters and aircraft carriers. Young English schoolboys looked up to him […]