Social Security Webinar on Employment Support for Young Adults with Disabilities

Social Security Webinar on Employment Support for Young Adults with Disabilities — June 22 Posted on June 7, 2016 The National Work Incentives Seminar Event (WISE) Webinar “Free Employment Support for Young Adults with a Disability” will be held June 22, 2016 from 3 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. If you receive Social Security disability benefits and want to work, Ticket to Work can help. The webinar will discuss moving from school to the workforce and how the Youth Transitions Collaborative can help. Register […]

Chicago White Sox Take Disability Awareness Night Concept to a New Level

The sights and sounds of a Major League Baseball game are something most of us have come to expect as part of the over-all ball park experience. But for children with disabilities, especially those living with autism and intellectual disabilities, all that can be too much to handle. Now Major League Baseball teams are trying to make sure those youngsters and their families can come out and enjoy a game. In a couple of weeks […]

The Importance of Developing Emotional Intelligence through Education

BY ROSIE LINDER While classroom education continues to focus on academics, there is little-to-no emphasis on healthy emotional development in an era where we need it more than ever before. In fact, the State of the Heart 2016 study found that emotional intelligence continues to decline globally. What’s more, since 2014, there has been a decline in maintaining emotional balance (-3.3 percent), self-motivation (-2.9 percent), and connecting compassionately with others (-2.4 percent). The numbers don’t […]

Collaborative Connections

BY ANGELA SHAW STRENGTHENING PARTNERSHIP WITH TODAY’S SCHOOL COUNSELOR The scope of today’s comprehensive school counseling program is one that is preventative in design and developmental in nature, in order to ensure that all students achieve success in school. The school counselor, a trained educator with expertise in child and adolescent development, is a vital component of the learning community. They provide a continuum of support for children with and without special needs. Through the […]

Caregiving, Finances, and Disability Insurance

In 2015, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) and Easter Seals collaborated on Easter Seals Many Faces of Caregiving Study1, a study of caregivers2 in America. Financial impact topped the list of caregiver concerns, and the study found that 91% of caregivers are unpaid. That’s not an unusual statistic when you consider most caregivers are family members. But when family finances are a major concern, supplementing income or creating a good financial strategy to better […]