October Is National Audiology Awareness Month

October is National Audiology Awareness Month and the American Academy of Audiology is urging the public to be conscious of hearing health. A recent study by the Lancet commission on dementia, cited nine risk factors for causing dementia and hearing loss was listed as one of the causes. The report also stated that dementia typically starts many years before it is recognized. Hearing impacts the brain and cognitive thinking. One of the factors in maintaining […]

Protecting Your Children from Peanut Allergies

A common question among new parents is “How can I protect my baby from getting food allergies.” This is a well-founded question considering that the Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) association (www.foodallergy.org/facts-and-stats) reports approximately 15 million people in the United States have food allergies. Close to 6 million of these individuals are children. As such, food allergies have become a major public health issue in the past decade with a 50% increase in hospital […]

Helping Parents Help Their Kids Thrive In School

BY KATHERINE FIRESTONE School was hard for me. I felt like an imposter. I was in honors classes but I felt like I had to work so much harder than everyone else to get the same grades. I had to read to myself out loud so that I would understand what I was reading and not skip ahead. It took forever. Then I had to go back and highlight everything I had just read to […]

On Coming Out of the Oven Too Soon

ANCORA IMPARO BY RICK RADER, MD ■ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF In the 1920’s, babies like Lucille faced almost certain demise. Lucille did not escape the inevitable and she passed away… but not until she celebrated her 96th birthday. Lucille died earlier this year after living a very meaningful life. In the late 1930’s American songwriter Johnny Mercer wrote a classic tune that had the entire nation singing, You must’ve been a beautiful baby You must’ve been a […]

Michael Turcich Awarded Companies Making a Daily Difference

Congratulations to Michael Turcich Recipient of 2017 Companies Making a Daily Difference Award Companies Making a Daily Difference Award is bestowed on professionals who change the lives of children with special needs and their families. Michael Turcich, Managing Director, eParent.com, an online multi-media company dedicated specifically to the special needs community. Providing practical advice, emotional support, current trending news and educational information to empower caregivers and families of children and adults with disabilities and special […]