Does Concussion Impact Men and Women Differently?

New research suggests concussion may not significantly impair symptoms or cognitive skills for one gender over another, however, women may still experience greater symptoms and poorer cognitive performance at preseason testing. The study released recently was presented at the Sports Concussion Conference in Denver, from July 24 to 26, and hosted by the American Academy of Neurology, the world’s leading authority on diagnosing and managing sports concussion. The conference will feature the latest scientific advances […]

Letters: Disabled & Denied Organ Transplant

CHRISSY RIVERA Philly Daily News Posted: Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 12:16 AM TODAY, I WILL NOT need to stop at the cemetery to visit the grave of my little girl. Nor will I have to escort her to dialysis appointments, emotionally draining visits to the ER, or endure any long hospital stays. It was not long ago, however, when I feared those excursions would become a routine and I was terrified I’d eventually be spending […]

Break Free Of Special Needs Stigmas

As America celebrates its independence this month, so should you! It’s time to shed the internal stigmas and worries so many patients carry, oftentime  unknowingly. The flags are flying. The picnic tables are covered with red, white and blue tablecloths. The beaches and parks are filled with people, enjoying the day off from work or a long holiday weekend. You and your family would love to join all the people lounging around and enjoying the […]


BY MARY ANN RACCOSTA What I realized and experienced over the 16 years of having two special needs children, is that for my family to travel, we needed to be efficient researchers. I always envisioned traveling to different cities, parts of the country and even international places with my children. Yet, when my sons were born, along with them came an entirely complicated list of prerequisites for traveling. How fast can I make it to […]