“All Lives Matter”

by Joseph M. Valenzano, Jr. I had occasion to read a paper recently published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics that estimated the number of abortions that occur each year following a positive prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome to be more than 3,100! Now, in the context of roughly 4.0 million babies born in the U.S. each year, and even when viewed in the context of roughly 500,000 births classified as premature, this number […]

God’s Rosebud

By Joseph M. Valenzano, Jr,, President & CEO EP For those of you who subscribe to the new “political correctness” in the story and poem that follows, you can replace “God” with Allah or Buddha or the Great Spirit or whatever Supreme Being you believe in. It is the message that is most important and the message is intended to provide a gentle reminder that sometimes in life we just have to trust in a […]


By Joseph M. Valenzano, Jr. Every young man and young woman dreams of being the best athlete, the greatest swimmer, the finest dancer, the fastest runner, the star football player, the toughest boxer or wrestler. They watch intently those athletes who are successful and try to emulate their every action. They try to mimic their batting stances, running styles and copy the techniques of the greatest stars they see on the playing field. And they […]

On New Year’s Resolution

President, CEO & Publisher – Joseph M. Valenzano, Jr – 2015 will soon be upon us. Many people use the New Year to make firm “Resolutions” like, “This is the year I will lose 25 pounds” or, “I will finally master my golf game.” The thing about New Year’s Resolutions is that so many other things tend to get in the way and we, regrettably, forget about them. And, to be fair, sometimes the resolutions we […]


By Joseph M. Valenzano, Jr., President, CEO & Publisher of Exceptional Parent As 2014 comes to a close, I thought I would use this opportunity to share some personal perspectives with you. I have had the privilege of serving families caring for children and adults with disabilities and special health care needs for almost a quarter of a century, most of that time as President & CEO of Exceptional Parent. But I have also taught […]