Are Volunteers the Solution?

BY BARRY WALDMAN, DDS, MPH, PhD; STEVEN P. PERLMAN, DDS, MScD, DHL;  LYNN MA.  MISHA GAREY, DDS Why is it that we, who are living in an advanced country, are so dependent upon the volunteering effort of so many for an array of basic medical care for unbelievable numbers of poor and individuals with special needs? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that between September 2012 and September 2013 about 62.6 million people (25.4 percent) of […]

Genome Sequencing:Hopes And Challenges Of A New Technology

GENETIC ALLIANCE BY REBECCA DOWNEY & SHARON ROMELCZYK Nearly every newborn baby born in the United States receives screening for certain treatable genetic conditions between 24 to 48 hours after birth. This routine process of newborn screening is a state run public health program that reaches nearly four million babies in the US each year. As technology advances, it is plausible that screening in the future will change to provide even more information about a […]

Hope for Children Research Foundation

ORGANIZATION SPOTLIGHT – BY LYNNE McENIRY, MFA The Colleen Giblin Foundation’s name changed to Hope for Children Reasearch Foundation at their recent 30th Anniversary Celebration – but their focus remains the same. At one time or another in our lives, most of us have probably heard this tried-and-true affirmation by cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” It […]

Prevention, Evaluation, And Management Of Low Bone Density – PART 1

BY PHILIP MAY MD  Prevention, Evaluation, and Management of Low Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Encountered in Adults with Developmental and Intellectual DisabilitiesClinical experience and published reports have shown that low BMD is especially common in adults with developmental disabilities, such as intellectual disability, epilepsy, autism, and cerebral palsy. Abstract For various reasons, high frequency of low bone mineral density (BMD) and increased risk for fracture are often encountered in adults with “medically complex developmental disabilities” […]