National Deaf Center Releases A Variety Of Tools

The OSEP-funded National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC) recently released a variety of tools to support transition planning for deaf students.

  • Transition Planning Guide and Infographic. This  user-friendly poster highlights key aspects of transition planning and how it applies to deaf students, in particular. NDC has a parallel set of resources for self-advocacy
  • Deafverse!  is an interactive game that focuses on decision making and self-advocacy for teens and young adults. NDC is working on additional worlds within the game that focus on entry into the world of work. Deafverse! curriculum development is also underway to give educators ways to integrate the game in the classroom.
  • Postsecondary accommodations checklist and interview questions provides sample questions that  postsecondary disability service office professionals can use when welcoming new deaf students to campus. The checklist and questions are also useful for transition planning teams to use when providing guidance to graduating deaf students.