Forgetting Milestones and Learning to Measure Progress…a New Way of Thinking! #Overcoming — Part 2

By Mary Ellen Bogucki  I never thought my daughter, Kailey, would struggle in school. She was such a determined little girl who problem-solved at an early age. She was a little go getter and seemed to be so advanced for her age. Then it was time for kindergarten and she wasn’t learning her letters or numbers and didn’t want to learn to write her name. She was a great little student, making lots of friends, […]

Forgetting Milestones and Learning to Measure Progress…a New Way of Thinking! #Overcoming — Part 1

By Mary Ellen Bogucki  In 2003, our family received two diagnoses, just weeks a part. The first was for our youngest daughter, Bree (then age 5), the diagnosis was an Autism Spectrum Disorder. The second diagnosis was for my middle daughter, Kailey (then age 8) and it was ADHD. Neither diagnosis was a surprise, because our girls had been struggling for years and we were working not only with the school district, but many different […]