Sports and Friends…What Really Counts!

COACH’S CORNER BY TOM CURRY Winning is great and championships are always fun, but the friendships you take with you will remain, long after the last whistle blast is heard. I often think how lucky I have been in my life. I have a great family, a good job and some wonderful people I am lucky enough to call friends. When I thought about this the other day, I realized that I have met most […]


From the Coach’s Corner: Captains Aug 5, 2014 The team captain is the one who by their attitude and play is really saying, “get on my back…let’s get this done.” By Tom Curry Each year, many students and parents concern themselves with the child being named or voted “captain “of their particular team. I have had a number of parents over the years express concern over voting results, the formula used, who tallied the votes, […]

How to Practice

From the Coach’s Corner: How to Practice Jul 2, 2014 By Tom Curry When I was coaching basketball, students would tell me how hard they had practiced over the summer, and each day in the fall, in preparation of trying out for the team. Even the parents got in the act with one father telling me that his son practiced everyday in their driveway. “Why coach, there are some nights when he even beats me!,” […]

Lessons I Have Learned

From the Coach’s Corner: Lessons I Have Learned Jun 8, 2014 By Tom Curry In the past two years I have written about what sports can do for kids as they grow and mature. The process of helping kids through some difficult times and formative years is a challenge that we all know and have ideas about whether a parent, coach or administrator. This month, I would like to change gears and talk about what […]