The Challenge of Physical Fitness for People with Autism

Marina Sarris Interactive Autism Network You’ve probably seen the headlines: studies say that children and adults with autism are at risk for an inactive lifestyle and obesity. While the reasons are subject to debate, it’s clear that people with ASD often face unique challenges to physical fitness. The core features of autism – social, communication and behavior problems – can make joining a game of kickball at recess or playing tag with neighborhood kids […]

10,000 Steps Versus Exercise

THE FITNESS PRIORITY KRISTIN MCNEALUS, PT, DPT Remember that you are also setting an example for your children. Demonstrating healthy habits will teach kids to incorporate these activities as they grow. You may have heard about the studies that show sitting is worse for your health than smoking, and to combat this, getting a certain number of steps in per day is recommended. Our occupations are more sedentary than they used to be, and our […]

Let’s Talk About STRESS

THE FITNESS PRIORITY BY KRISTIN MCNEALUS, PT, DPT Don’t wait! Get moving – even if only for 10 minutes! It will help manage your stress, and decrease depression and anxiety. It seems like we are getting busier by the year, and less equipped to handle the load. Everything is moving faster, we have devices that imply we are available at any time, and this has resulted in a blurring of the distinct lines where work […]

Caring for Yourself is Caring for the Family

THE FITNESS PRIORITY BY KRISTIN MCNEALUS, PT, DPT If you get sick or injured, then everybody loses, right? You cannot perform your job, and the person who relies on you is also now in trouble. Parenting is tough. It is a non-stop job, and you do not get sick days. Parenting for a child with a disability can be even more challenging because you may not be able to find a sitter who can help […]

What’s Your Goal?

THE FITNESS PRIORITY BY KRISTIN MCNEALUS, PT, DPT Can you break the goal down into three smaller goals you can work on to get toward your big goal? Now give a timeline for those three goals. Giving a time frame will hold you accountable. Think of a goal you would like to accomplish – is it that you would like to lose five pounds? (or 50?) Would you like to lower your cholesterol by 30 […]