Lima child ambassador for Down syndrome group

By Tara Jones – Jada Hood’s laughter echoes off the Lima Senior hallways as she holds her father’s hand walking from the upstairs preschool to her mother’s classroom. Hood has become a familiar face in the community, and now she has also become the face of an international campaign. Hood, 2, the daughter of James and Chrissy Hood who are both employees of Lima schools, was named one of the 33 ambassadors for Nothing […]

My Child Seems To Put Everything Into His Mouth

By James Mulick, PhD Ohio State University Pica refers to the apparent appetite for non-food items with no nutritional value. It presents a problem when the items are poisonous, pose the risk of infection, are otherwise harmful to health or might produce injury (as a result of swallowing something sharp). Exploring objects by tasting and smelling is a universal human investigative technique, which eventually diminishes based upon experience and learning. Babies explore many things with […]

Placement Options for Preschool Students Receiving Special Education Services

There are a number of placement options to consider for your preschool child. The Individualized Educational Program (IEP) team – which includes you, the parent – will decide which placement or placements are appropriate. The placement decided upon by the IEP team will be paid for by the school district in which you live as part of your child’s Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). When considering an educational placement, the IEP team must decide […]

Children With Autism Bolting and Neighborhood Safety

By Bridget Taylor, PsyD, BCBA-D and Kate E. Cerino Britton, MSEd, MA BCBA, Alpine Learning Group You are not alone. In fact, according to an online survey conducted by the National Autism Association, 92 percent of the parents indicated their child with autism was at risk of wandering away from his or her home or care provider. An additional concern is that when wandering, many children with autism are unable to take steps to ensure […]

“Could My Child Have Autism?” Ten Signs of Possible Autism-Related Delays in 6- to 12-Month-Old Children

Though autism is often not diagnosed until the age of three, some children begin to show signs of developmental delay before they turn a year old. While not all infants and toddlers with delays will develop autism spectrum disorders (ASD), experts point to early detection of these signs as key to capitalizing on early diagnosis and intervention, which is believed to improve developmental outcomes. According to Dr. Rebecca Landa, director of the Center for Autism and Related […]