Youth Participation In Transition Planning

BY VALERIE LEITER In 2004, Congress added new transition requirements to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), striving to improve youth outcomes after high school. These new requirements say that the Individual Education Program (IEP) must include “appropriate measurable postsecondary goals” and the “transition services… needed to assist the child in reaching those goals.” They also give students the right to participate in planning once their IEP meetings focus on transition from school. It […]

Super Undies Introduces New Hybrid Potty-Training Pants

What’s so “hybrid” about them? This new innovative pair of training pants uses either disposable inserts or cloth inserts. It can instantly switch identities from a potty trainer to a much needed diaper. And with its adjustable front, it can fit a two year old or his four year-old sibling. This dynamic two-tone piece of goodness has changeable inserts that fit in a wonderfully waterproof shell, so now you can just replace the inserts, not […]