Mental Illness: Maintaining a Healthy Relationship

Relating to someone you love who has a mental illness can be difficult and frustrating, but there are strategies you can use to improve your communication with them. There may be a lot you don’t know about how your relative sees things when they’re symptomatic. These tips can help you build a stronger foundation for your relationship. To get started on a better path in your relationship with your family member, first acknowledge that you […]

Disability Etiquette

Introduction The United States Census Bureau reports that approximately 56.7 million Americans have a disability. This report is for anyone—with or without a disability—who wants to interact more effectively with people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 was conceived with the goal of integrating people with disabilities into all aspects of life, particularly the workplace and the marketplace. Sensitivity toward people with disabilities is not only in the spirit of the ADA, […]

Development of Eating Skills for Children with Multiple Disabilities

Learning to eat and drink can be a challenge for many children who have multiple disabilities including a visual impairment. The way your child responds to food can be affected by factors such as his medical conditions, physical abilities, or resistance to trying new foods because of the texture or taste. Members of your child’s educational team will often have important information and suggestions for how you can work together on specific goals that will […]

Living with Spina Bifida: Young Adults

The transition from adolescence to adulthood can be a time of growth and success, as well as difficulty. For people with spina bifida, it is especially important to begin planning for transitions in childhood so they are able to lead independent lives as adults. Young adults affected by spina bifida can face challenges, such as: Learning to take care of their own health needs. Working. Going to school. Volunteering. Finding and using transportation. Living outside […]

Higher Education Policy Changes Take Center Stage

Students With Disabilities May Be Collateral Damage in College Admissions Scandal Earlier this month, Americans were made aware of a number of wealthy families allegedly abusing the college admissions process by faking disabilities, cheating on admissions tests, and bribing college officials. The alleged scheme is incredibly discouraging and does a serious disservice to students who have real disabilities and rely on accommodations in school. Many disabilities rights advocates, including some who advocated on behalf of […]