An Overview Of Children And Youth Programs

The military services offer a wide variety of quality children and youth programs in structured developmental settings on and off the military installation to provide for safe, age-appropriate activities. YOUTH PROGRAMS Instructional programs: Instructional programs provide opportunities to develop new skills and learn in hands-on, informal settings. Programs cover a wide range of topics including photography, woodworking, science and technology, gardening, health and safety. Recreation sports programs: These programs are typically offered through the installation youth center. A year-round program of team sports provides numerous opportunities for youth to challenge themselves […]

What Constitutes A Quality Program For Children Who Are Deaf?

BY FREEMAN KING, Ed.D If parents decide a school district’s inclusive/mainstreaming program is the optimum and appropriate educational program for deaf children, this should center around an approach that offers a quality education that prepares the deaf student to compete as an equal with hearing children in the school. Education for the child who is deaf has historically gone through many changes related to educational ideology and placement decisions. Presently, for good or bad, in […]

Are Volunteers the Solution?

BY BARRY WALDMAN, DDS, MPH, PhD; STEVEN P. PERLMAN, DDS, MScD, DHL;  LYNN MA.  MISHA GAREY, DDS Why is it that we, who are living in an advanced country, are so dependent upon the volunteering effort of so many for an array of basic medical care for unbelievable numbers of poor and individuals with special needs? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that between September 2012 and September 2013 about 62.6 million people (25.4 percent) of […]

Dyslexia: A New Perspective

A NEW PERSPECTIVE BY KARIN MERKLE Pass along this information to teachers and parents who may be stuck in the myths of dyslexia. Whether a student ends up getting lessons or not, the word and information you share may just save our world’s next great inventor, engineer, or scientist! I have great news to share with you about bright children (and adults) who struggle with reading and spelling. In a moment, when I share a […]

The Power Of Therapeutic Music Through The Eyes Of Compositional Legends

BY MARTHA SUMMA-CHADWICK & STEVE WEISER A spectacular series of concert performances, lectures, and workshops to advocate for a very special musical cause is scheduled in the beautiful city of Erie, Pennsylvania, during the week of April 13 to 17. The Erie Chamber Orchestra (ECO) has designed a distinctive week long festival to promote the idea of music for therapeutic as well as aesthetic use. To create this unique musical tapestry, the ECO has woven a network of local, regional, and national partners to […]