Honoris Causa

ANCORA IMPARO BY RICK RADER, MD ■ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF If my work in the disability arena over the last 20 odd years is deserving of an honorary doctorate from this respected medical-dental university, the honor belongs to the disability community. My stock has just risen to new heights. I now have something in common with the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet; Nelson Mandela, the leader of the movement that defeated apartheid in South Africa; […]

In and Out of the Lines

ANCORA IMPARO BY RICK RADER, MD ■ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF People, like crayons, come in a vast array of colors; but each one contributes to our collective palette. Stephanie Botswich had a particularly stressful day at work. Traffic was horrendous. Paperwork was time sensitive. Emails were haunting. Meetings ware laborious. Lunch was at a drive-thru. Colleagues were indifferent. Her desktop was indignant. By the time she made it home, she was frazzled. Having been through this familiar […]

Word Count

ANCORA IMPARO BY RICK RADER, MD ■ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF I think readers of this magazine would nominate two words that would give “cellar door,” and “tremulous,” a run for their money. They certainly convey “comfort and the deepness of human relationships.” They are “exceptional” and “parent.” Not sure how many I used since I woke up this morning; but I just used 19 of them. I know because I counted them. That is one thing you […]

Smarty Pants

ANCORA IMPARO BY RICK RADER, MD ■ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Exceptional Parents have always worn “exceptional clothes” and have created an awareness, a movement and a culture that will surely outlast any battery-operated “smart device.” It seems like we are surrounded, seduced and immersed with “smart” things. These days, there are “smart phones,” “smart cars,” “smart watches,” “smart homes,” “smart environments,” and even “smart clothes”! Obviously, all of these devices were imagined, designed and built by smart […]


ANCORA IMPARO BY RICK RADER, MD ■ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF If Pac-Man is indeed the unofficial game of exceptional parents, then the battle cry of their movement will always be “paku-paku;” as they munch and gobble up anyone who stands in the way of inclusion, acceptance and respect. Rick Riordan is an American novelist who hit it big with his 2005 novel The Lightning Thief, the first installment in the five volume Percy Jackson series. Riordan came […]