He’s obnoxious but handsome, rude but brilliant

by Robert Hughes He’s obnoxious but handsome, rude but brilliant, socially inappropriate and embarrassing and infuriating but always the smartest person in the room. His colleagues might not like him, but they know he has a heart of gold and make excuses for him. The boss would love to fire him but realizes he’s much too valuable to let go. He — and sometimes she — is that staple of scripted television, the protagonist on […]

15 Tips to Make Bedtime Easier

1. Keep a regular bedtime schedule including weekends and holidays where possible. Children sleep better when they have a consistent bedtime and wake time every day. Staying up late during the weekend and then trying to catch up on sleep by sleeping in can throw off a child’s sleep schedule for several days. 2. Make sure the child knows that they should not disturb other members of their family until after an acceptable time. 3. […]

Why students with disabilities are capable of graduating on time. This is why they’re not.

U.S. education system is failing students with special needs. by Sarah Butrymowicz  and  Jackie Mader As a teenager, Michael McLaughlin wanted to go to college. He had several disabilities, including dyslexia and bipolar disorder, which threatened to make the road ahead more difficult. He sometimes had trouble paying attention in class and understanding directions. He also had an IQ of 115 — on the upper ranges of what is considered average. With help, he should […]

Down syndrome – Let’s Talk About Sex

The sexuality of people with Down syndrome is often overlooked. It is still common to believe that they are not interested in sex, and therefore it is unnecessary to talk to them about it. Yet people with Down syndrome have sexual and emotional needs and desires, and they often have the urge to be in a relationship. An appropriate education can enable your child to develop their sexuality in a healthy and satisfying manner. It […]

Assisted Living Options for Seniors With Disabilities

Seniors and people with disabilities often need supportive living options. When the time comes to start considering your options for assisted living, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of housing options. Not only are there different categories of assisted living to choose from, there are also a plethora of homes from which to choose. The right choice depends on a number of factors, including support needs, expense, and personal preference. Once a […]