Why I’m Buying Brain Hats for Both My Daughters – Including the One with Down Syndrome

by Amy Silverman I will admit that I was kind of meh on the whole pussy hat thing, but as soon as a post about the brain hat popped up on Facebook I was all over Etsy, looking for someone to make me three. One for me, one for my daughter, Annabelle, and one for my other daughter, Sophie. Not long after, I heard that there was heated discussion on some other feeds about how […]

This Ain’t No Gerber Commercial

I measure that kid’s life in hair.  Upon first glimpse, raw red preemie scalp. A dozen weeks later, still in hospital, an elder-style ring of orange fuzz ran around back from ear to ear, then bald again. Next came yellow curls that we grew out like Kelsey Grammer.  Our towhead’s curls turned brown in a few years, just as each of his parents’ did. And here and there we made the kid cut his hair. […]

January 19, 2010

January 19, 2010.  This date probably doesn’t have a significant meaning to you unless it happens to be your birthday, anniversary, or some other milestone with cause for celebration or remembrance.  For my family, that was the day our lives changed forever.  That was the day our sweet girl got diagnosed with the big, bad “A” word…AUTISM, and our crazy little adventure began. I’m getting ahead of myself, so let’s back up a little… Once upon […]

6 Habits of a Rare Mama -My Goals for the New Year

  Like most of us out there, for the last couple weeks I have been thinking about what my resolutions for the New Year would be. Fitness, finances, …all the same things that for me personally are going to last 7 – 10 days if I am lucky. Also like a lot of us out there, I have been on Pinterest a lot the last couple weeks. Of course looking for the best answers to […]

Little Jealous of Sophie

One morning not long ago, I screeched into the carpool lane of our neighborhood middle school and hustled my always-late kid out the door, stopping for a moment to marvel at her brightly colored, striped knee socks. It was crazy sock day, the school had sent a flier home confirming it, but I wondered how many other eighth graders were wearing striped knee socks that day. None that I saw as I pulled away from […]