The Shoebox Phenomenon: What Not to Do with the Results of Your Child’s Annual Statewide Achievement Tests

   By William Blackwell, Ed.D. & Nancy Stockall, Ph.D. According to the U.S. Department of Education, almost 3.5 million children with disabilities participate in statewide achievement tests each year. Parents typically receive their child’s results in a paper report sent home through the school. Yet, parents often struggle to accurately interpret the reports, which contain complex testing jargon and vague descriptions of their child’s performance. This can lead to what one parent described as “the […]

Post-Secondary Education For Students With Disabilities

BY LAUREN AGORATUS, M.A. EMPLOYMENT & TRANSITION ANNUAL ISSUE Unfortunately, post-secondary education isn’t commonly thought of as an option for students with special needs. Yet only one percent of students eligible for special education have significant intellectual disabilities,1 and there are  now postsecondary options for students with cognitive disabilities, too. THINK COLLEGE One of the best resources for students with special needs is Think College found at It is important to note that although […]